What is Music Together?

First offered to the public in 1987, Music Together pioneered the concept of a research-based, developmentally appropriate early childhood music curriculum that recognized the importance of adult involvement. The Music Together approach is based upon these beliefs:
  • All children are musical and can achieve the basic musical competencies of singing in tune and keeping the beat
  • The active involvement and role- modeling of parents and other primary caregivers such as babysitters or grandparents is essential for activating children’s musical development
  • Young children learn best in a playful, musically rich setting free of direct instruction and performance pressure, where learning activities are interesting, and fun
  • Children’s music development benefits greatly from early exposure, beginning with infancy
A typical Music Together class provides informal musical experiences which include singing, chanting, moving to music, and playing rhythm instruments. The emphasis is on play, creativity, repetition, and joyful interaction between parent/caregiver and child. The group is comprised of children from infant to age 5. The teacher helps adults understand how to participate, regardless of musical ability, and to relax and enjoy the activities with their children.

Each family receives a beautifully illustrated song book, and two professionally recorded CDs. The song book contains suggestions for enhancing and extending the musical activities at home. Music Together uses 9 different song  collections, providing a three year rotating curriculum.

Music Together classes are limited to 12 children. Semesters are 10 weeks long and are offered in the fall, winter, and spring. Tuition includes enrollment and materials (song book, and CD, plus parent guide DVD for first time families)

For more information about the program, please visit www.musictogether.com.